Anyone who can view your web site can view references stored in the database.
The Browse link displays a link for each lettter in the alphabet for which there are authors whose last name has that letter in the database. Clicking on that link displays the references, sorted by author's last name, then date published.
The search link displays a range of search options, such as by author, words in the title and abstract, DOI, and PubMed number.
For any reference you can get a report diplaying the authors, title of the work, and where it was published, the abstract, and links to the original source. You can also export the reference for import into bibliographic software such as EndNote, Reference Manager, or a BibTeX database.
If you are a registered user then you can Log in by clicking on the link at the top right of the web page. If you have forgotten your password, click on Forgot your password? link and a new one will be mailed to your email address.
Once logged in your name is displayed on the web page. You can log out, and also change your password by clicking on My password.
MyPHPBib provides a form for editing a record for a reference. At any time you change what type of reference is being added by using the Reference type menu.
MyPHPBib can import a reference in a range of formats, such as EndNote Export, RIS, ISI, EndNote XML. If successful, the reference will be displayed in the edit form so that you can make any changes before storing the reference..
Given just the PubMed number, MyPHPBib can import a reference from the PubMed database. As an example, paste the number 10760278. Once the reference has been downloaded it will be displayed in the edit form so that you can make any changes before storing the reference.
The administrator can add a new user by clicking on the Add user link. The user will be sent their username and password by email.
You can import a large number of references using the Perl script which is the phpbib folder. Before using this script you will need to edit the database settings to reflect your setup:
my $cstr = "DBI:mysql:mydatabasename"; # Database connect string, e.g. DBI:mysql:mydatabase my $user = "username"; # Database user name my $pass = "password"; # Database password
This script makes use of the bp package, which determines the format of a file by its extension. Hence, for the best chance of success you should ensure that the file containing your references has the correct extension.
EndNote Export | .ref |
Reference Manager RIS | .ref |